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Streaming Media Producer Focus
September 24, 2015

Featured Articles
In the Field: Teradek Live:Air
Live:Air gives the user the ability to switch among up to four cameras while mixing in titles, graphics, and pre-recorded b-roll. While the theoretical capabilities of such a setup are very exciting, the technological limitations of current iPad models are keeping the system from reaching its full potential.
Featured News
4K Xenon FF-Prime Lenses Now Available for Sony E-Mount Cameras
Interchangeable mounts allow Xenon FF-Primes to work with Canon EF, Nikon F, PL, and now Sony E-mount cameras. Sony E-mounts are available separately for those who already own Xenon FF-Primes.
High Point Launches RocketStor 6414 Series SAS and RAID Storage
RocketStor 6414 series 4-Bay External SAS Turnkey Solutions support up to 32TB of SAS or SATA storage, are powered by our industry proven Hardware and Value RAID technology
Sponsored Articles
Tutorial: Live Switching, Streaming, and Recording with the Epiphan Pearl
Jan Ozer demonstrates how even the most non-technical user can pull off a live-switched stream with the Epiphan Pearl streaming appliance.
Tutorial: Cost-Effective Live-Switched and Streamed HD Worship Production with Datavideo
In the new worship video workflow from Datavideo described in this article and video tutorial, with just three products, you can switch up to four HD cameras and stream to your favorite CDN, while simultaneously recording an MP4 file to a USB thumb drive or external hard drive--all for around $3,000.
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